Sunday, March 13, 2011


The older I get the more I seem to believe that voluntary accountability doesn't exist anymore. This makes no sense to me because I was always taught to be accountable for the things that I do. This of course has always gotten me into more trouble when I did something wrong. I guess if I admit to one thing than I must be guilty a slew of other things I'm not willing to account for. The way of the world on this one is very confusing.

Leadership and Accountability

A leader is always responsible for what his/her underlings are up to. This is a tough spot to be in this day in age, because leadership is about building character and leading by example. Not all leaders are ethical leaders, and some put constant pressure on their employees to perform harder and harder. Some even pressure employees to be unethical just like they are. If an employee is caught, they are on their own.

The Group Dynamic

We are taught that we are responsible for our own actions. Yet at the same time, today's society is made up of groups. If you are not part of a group, then you are an outsider. If you are an outsider, the group collective can set a person up to fail. If this person fails under the group collective's manipulations, then the person failing is made to be responsible for his/her own failure. Being in a group, you're not supposed to take responsibility for anything because that can implicate the group.

Groups are also a funny thing, because when someone is acting for the group, they are following orders. So who is responsible for their actions; the doer or the planner? Does the doer have a choice in the matter? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Does the planner have a direct tie to the action of the doer? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Yet no one is accountable.


Even though we are taught that we are responsible for our own actions, the policy we are taught to adhere to is denial. It's true. Take responsibility for the good things, and deny responsibility for the bad things. That is what society teaches us to do. What's more bizarre than that is that society works around those rules.

Blaming and Credit

Whenever something good is done, there are people that will take credit for it. It doesn't matter if they are responsible for the fortunate turn of events or not. If something bad happens, then it is blamed on someone else. Our highest ranked civilian leader, The President of the United States is a perfect example. Every president blames the one before when something bad happens, and every president takes credit for the good things that happen. The highest authority in the land promotes this way of thinking and acting.


Because this is the way the world works, if anyone is a stand-up good person. They will be screwed. If you account for your own shortcomings you will be blamed for others. If you admit to your own faults, you will be punished more severely. It's the way of the world.

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