Saturday, March 5, 2011

Declaration to Pro-Choice from a Pro-Life

There has been unrest in the battle for abortion rights. This obviously occurred due to the switch of power in Congress. Because Republicans have taken the House, motions are being put forth to eliminate funding for various programs such as Family Planning. This has incited a political campaign to fight for women's rights.

Feel free to fight for women's rights if you like, but there are a lot of rhetorical points I would like to clear up.

If you are pro-choice, I would caution you on a few details. Nearly every pro-choice campaign I have seen thus-far is complete and utter BS. So I will list them, and explain.

"It's ok to murder abortion doctors." Nae

"Pro-life wants to make it so that even when the mother's life is on the line, you can't get rid of the baby."

If it is one or the other, it is a choice for the mother to decide who lives and who dies. If the mother is not able to make that choice, it goes to the father or closest family member. If those avenues are unavailable, the doctor makes the final call. This is an 'on the job' call, and has nothing to do with legislation.

If either the mother or baby is going to die, then obviously preference goes to the one that will live.

"Anti-abortion is trying to pass a bill that will criminalize miscarriages."

Right now, republicans are putting together bills. Everything that has been reported by pro-choice advocates hasn't passed. Most news stories are reporting on first drafts of the bills, and then combining them with existing bills creating a possible, but very improbable outcome. Then they report that outcome as what the legislators are trying to accomplish.

This is going to go on for a while because the campaign is designed to enflame. You will get angrier and angrier as time passes. That's when the endgame will come into play. The endgame will probably be all pro-choice advocates shouting out in unison for action when the democrats take back the house.

Meanwhile, you can save yourself a lot of anger and resentment. Because all this stuff being spewed forth is complete crap with a sprinkle of truth on top.

My Opinion

Yes I am pro-life. I believe that a fetus has a soul.

I also am a firm believer in "The Morning After" pill in cases of mistakes and rape. A mistake is when a girl gets drunk and wakes up next to studly stud muffin. She then realizes that no protection was used, she could have STD's, or anything else. She did not plan to have a baby, so take a pill.

Rape is pretty much the same only a thousand times worse. She didn't ask for that. Although the morning after pill will not solve all the problems of rape, it will ensure that a baby does not result because of it.

"It's her body, she can do what she wants with it." Of this I must disagree. Once pregnant, a woman is sharing her body with another human being. Granted, the baby is a parasite living off of it's mother, but still sharing none the less. The difference is, only the mother has the ability to argue for what she wants.

Birth Control: Sexuality is one of the greatest gifts we possess, and is very enjoyable. However, the reason we have sexuality is to make babies. If we didn't have sexual reproduction, we wouldn't have sexuality. If someone is having sex, they should at least be aware of the remote possibility that a baby could be the result of having sex.

The best form of birth control is abstinence, and is 100% guaranteed. The Shot is 99.997% guaranteed. All other forms of birth control are 80% guaranteed. No birth control is a hit and miss.

Therefore, if you make a mistake, or if the condom breaks; or whatever happens. Please take immediate action. If immediate action is not taken, and a baby is made, then you have successfully created another human being.

(I would also be more than happy to research in depth any concern anyone has, and discuss it.)

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