Sunday, March 13, 2011

God Bless Rev Phelps and Westboro Babtist Church

The Westboro Babtist Church just won't quit. Every other day they are spouting off some new bit of nonsense, and are finding more and more ways to be extremely repulsive. Funerals are their favorite ploy at the moment, and now there is a group that is creating a wall of people, flags, and patriotic noise so that the families of fallen soldiers do not have see the protesters when laying their loved one to rest. The Freedom of Speech works both ways.

Freedom of Speech

I admit this scared me for a bit. Luckily eight out of nine Supreme Court Justices decreed that it was within the right of the Westboro Babtist Church to do what they are doing. The attack on free speech was eloquently planned. An army of gay people were shouting to end the bullying without thinking of the consequences of destroying the right to protest. Supposing they succeeded, then in 10 or 20 years, they might lose the right to fight for their rights. Especially since LGBT people have always been a minority, and they always will be. 90 percent of people will always be straight.

Religious Doctrine

I am amazed at how Christians and other religious sects by and large have denounced the Westboro Babtist Church. Let's face it, they are crude, hateful, and just plain mean. At the same time however, what are they preaching? The exact same message that most people get in Sunday School. Therefore I guess people agree with the message, but disagree on people actually stating it.

Let's examine this for a moment. Sodom and Gamorah was destroyed because of homosexual activity. Haven't we all been taught that nations fall because of homosexual activity? Aren't we taught that homosexuality is an abominable sin? Therefore, the Westboro Babtist Church honestly believes that our soldiers dying is God's wrath for our tolerance for homosexuality. They are desperately trying to be heard so that we will know, so that we can repent.

Hmm? I'm at a loss? Is it OK to keep the LGBT community as substandard citizens, and blame them for acts that which they are not responsible for. At the same time, it's NOT OK to vocalize it? You either agree or you don't agree with the message of Reverend Phelps. This message also happens to be the same message taught in almost every North American Church.


"Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix." Chief Justice Warren

In 1967, this was the general teachings regarding segregation, and yet we have this beautiful picture to show us that we were wrong. Society was wrong in the treatment that which African Americans were treated. And after 30 years or so of positive campaigning, African Americans are now generally treated as equals. There are a few bigots, but by and large, they have some solidarity. But have we learned our lesson? I would submit that we have not because Mexican Americans, Chinese Americans, Cuban Americans, and many more are still substandard citizens in the eyes of those that would openly declare themselves loving Christians.

Where is the woman's place? Perhaps the kitchen? We changed our perception there. Now, men that mistreat women are chauvinistic pigs. Women have become much more equal to men in the past 100 years. I have absolutely no problem with a woman becoming a housewife, raising kids, and enjoying that particular cookie cutter lifestyle. I do have a problem with forcing a woman into that situation. It's what I like to call Brainwashed Slavery. Convince a woman from the time she's 3 that she has to marry, raise kids, and always have a sandwich ready for the men, and you have Brainwashed Slavery.

There are still civil rights activists fighting for both African American's and Women's rights. We shouldn't need them anymore, but we do. There are still those that believe that it's wrong for a cute little white girl to date a black dude. There are still those that believe that it's wrong for a woman to be the one in charge. I've heard all the arguments. Personally, I don't like anyone telling me what to do. Therefore, I don't tell anyone else what to do. And I prefer a woman who can take charge of her own life.

Back to Westboro

Our churches teach anti gay propaganda. They used to teach racism, slavery, murder, and other things. According to the bible, it's OK to murder as long as it's for God. It's OK to own slaves as long as they are from a neighboring nation. In other words, we have evolved. Why can't we evolve to the point where everyone is accepted? Or do we want to teach the same lessons that Westboro Babtist Church is teaching?

How to protest against Westboro

Reverend Phelps is synonymous with an attention hungry two year old. The best way to get them to be quiet is to ignore them. And yet, just like an attention hungry two year old, negative attention is better than no attention. Food for thought.

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